In honor of Thanksgiving, which is just around the corner, I thought I'd post just some of the many people that we are so very thankful for this holiday season!
Grandma Rita and Emma. I do believe Miss Emma has been such a blessing to her countless ways.

Emma's Great-Aunt Kimmie! Aunt Kimmie absolutely adores Emma Bess although she does always threaten to steal her and keep her forever!

Emma's Aunt Can-Can is such a precious, wonderful Aunt! Emma just loves to show her Aunt Candi all of her tricks!

Aunt Wee-Wee just lights up Em's little world! She wants to do everything that Wee Wee does! Can't you tell?

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of Emma with her Aunt Tarrah and Uncle Anthony, but we are still very thankful for them and we love all of Emma's Aunts, Uncles, Grandparent's, and cousins very much.
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