As I mentioned in a previous post, the weather was anything but spectacular during our vacation in the Outer Banks, but we had a great time with our family!
Josh, Wendi, Richard, Austin, Aunt Kimmie, Emma, and Justin on the Nature Hike. We actually cheated and drove to a spot, took a picture, looked at the water then got back in the car and drove to the lighthouse. It was WAY too cold to walk :)

The Corolla Lighthouse. Isn't it beautiful?

Emma loved when Austin and Justin rode in the backseat. She always wanted to hold their hands!

Emma and Grandma Gwen braving a few minutes on the beach. Although we didn't get to stay on the beach long we did get to fly the kite for a minute, play in the dirt for a second, and see a wild horse a thousand feet from us! Hey, it's the experience that counts, right?

Emma on a not-so-freezing day playing tee ball. She'd make Papa Ernie proud!

Emma and her Daddy flying
Opie, the Octopus kite!

Em in action! She was chasing a balloon and I happened to get this cool shot!

And on our stop-over in
Fayetteville heading home, the weather was beautiful, of course, and Em enjoyed the pool at the hotel!

Emma chilling with her Daddy. Doesn't she just look like an amazingly happy little angel? Precious baby, wonderful Daddy, priceless memories!
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