Since we spent Easter in Corolla, NC and the drive was 10.5 hours, we stopped over in Fayetteville and lucky for us, Aunt GeeGee and Grayson decided to join us for the night!
Emma kissing sweet, precious Baby Grayson. She was wonderful with him! She loves him so much and was such a helper! She wanted to kiss him as much as I did!

Richard, my mom, and WeeWee watched the kiddos for Jennifer and I to go out to eat. Mama said the babies were wonderful and Emma was a sweetie! Of course Grayson was super laid back, and Richard and Grayson bonded! Jennifer and I were super grateful for the girls night!

Then we completed the drive to OBX! Here are Emma's, Justin's, and Austin's Easter baskets from the Easter Bunny!

Right when Em woke up we went upstairs to see what the Easter Bunny brought! She couldn't wait to get to the Cadbury Eggs! Here she is with her mouth stuffed with a mini-Cadbury at 6:30am.

And after the sun came up she was ready to wear the bunny ears to head outside with Aunt Kimmie and brave the EXTREMELY cold temps!
Although the weather was horrible for our week in Corolla, we are so very grateful to have been able to spend it with family. Once you move away you really take for granted having family right next door. So it was truly a blessing to have family around to celebrate Easter with Em. Now it's time for the Billingsley side to plan a big vacation!!!
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