This morning Emma woke at 6am. Richard doesn't have to get up that early and I of course don't have to get up until Em does. Richard got out of bed very quietly, and got Emma up. As he was getting her I could hear him over the monitor telling her good morning and that he loves her. Then he changed her diaper, cut her up some fruit, and made her some cereal. Since she wanted to watch Elmo he put a towel down on the carpet and let her dance around while she ate. All the while he let me sleep while he watched her and got himself ready. While I was drifting in and out of sleep I was thinking about how wonderful he is as a Husband and Daddy. So here's my shout out to my Mr. Wonderful!
Although I have some precious pictures of Emma and her Daddy when she was first born and through her first months, they are downloaded in a different spot and hard to get to so I'm starting from her 10 month mark!