This morning Emma woke at 6am. Richard doesn't have to get up that early and I of course don't have to get up until Em does. Richard got out of bed very quietly, and got Emma up. As he was getting her I could hear him over the monitor telling her good morning and that he loves her. Then he changed her diaper, cut her up some fruit, and made her some cereal. Since she wanted to watch Elmo he put a towel down on the carpet and let her dance around while she ate. All the while he let me sleep while he watched her and got himself ready. While I was drifting in and out of sleep I was thinking about how wonderful he is as a Husband and Daddy. So here's my shout out to my Mr. Wonderful!
Although I have some precious pictures of Emma and her Daddy when she was first born and through her first months, they are downloaded in a different spot and hard to get to so I'm starting from her 10 month mark!

Richard and Emma the morning he returned from his deployment to Iraq. He was gone for 6 months and was so excited to be home with Em! It didn't take her long at all to get used to him! He was so amazed by how much she'd grown, of course, and jumped right back into "fantastic daddy" mode!

Daddy and Daughter enjoying a beautiful day at the park. This was only a few days after his return and she already didn't want to leave his side. Daddy's always up for doing fun things with Emma!

Our Family on the 4
th of July just a few days before Emma's First Birthday! We had a party outside while Richard and Aunt Wee Wee shot fireworks! Emma loved the explosives...I hope she doesn't follow in her Daddy's footsteps in the occupation field!

And the most recent picture of Emma and her Daddy. Precious.
Everyday when he gets home from work Emma gets super excited and starts dancing for him, running in circles and doing flips! It's so cute! It's like she's putting on a performance! They always have their own special time in the evenings while I cook or take a walk or just take a break. They have a Popsicle, share an apple, or play in Emma's kitchen. And when it's time to wash Emma's hair, Daddy's on the job. She NEVER cries when he does it and always cries when I do. In the end, no matter what those two do together they always seem to have fun!
So while Fathers Day is still a few months away, I just wanted to share my little take on Emma's Daddy and what he means to her...and me!
The is nothing like a daddy and his little girl or girls in my case!! This was such a sweet post.
This was so sweet! Yay for great Daddies! I love the header picture, it's beatiful, Steph!
This is so Sweet. And yes Emma does have the greatest daddy ever!
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