Sunday, January 18, 2009

Into Everything!

I'm sure that most of you have heard me say "Emma Bess is a mess" but here lately, that's been quite the literal statement! She's into EVERYTHING! It sometimes drives me a little crazy being the neat freak that I am, but I'm trying to let go and enjoy the moments like these because I know that it won't last forever and I'm going to play these precious little explorations over and over again in my head!
But for now, I'm going to share just a couple with you!

So, I hear Emma playing in the pantry early one morning while I'm trying to enjoy my morning cup of energy, er coffee. I get up to see what she's up to and on my way I hear the sound of noodles hitting the entire box of spaghetti noodles.

She was enjoying the photo ops that this fiasco was affording her!

And the next day...on to the return address labels. These ended up in her hair, on her arms, on the floor, chairs, and even a couple on my jeans that I only noticed when I was out walking Maddie and trying to be friendly to my neighbors. I can only imagine what they were thinking!
OUCH!!! It hurts trying to pull these off, huh Em? But she obviously didn't mind the pain. She plastered them all over herself only a few days later when another batch came rolling in!
Our Emma Bess IS such a Mess!!!

But then you see this precious little sleeping face and it makes all the clean-up of noodles and stickers and anything else those adorable little hands can get into just fine.
Now, if only we could tackle those tantrums...


Kate & Gabe said...

I love this post! How funny is she?!? :)

Rita Clewis said...

Remember when I put the stickers Emma found in my coffee table drawer on her face, hands, feet...everywhere on her? You've got to wonder if she remembers that.
AND...Emma obviously has a noodle fetish. She has to drag them out at my house too. You probably should introduce her to Atkins now.
Love her miss her me and Kim are gonna kidnap her.

lifeleftopen said...
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lifeleftopen said...

she is freaking adorable as usual. i love these pics. and "emma bess is a mess"...hilarious.