After much thought, we have decided to stay at home in GA for Christmas. After all, Santa HAS to come to our house! Therefore, we had Emma's Christmas celebrations in North Carolina over the past 2 weeks. She absolutely loves opening gifts and getting together with the family!

Our first stop was "Aunt" Jennifer's to exchange with her cousin Grayson. She played with him very gently and wanted to take his pacy out and his socks off, but other than that she really didn't notice him. She was too interested in her fun toys! Above, she's slouching down to be more like Grayson. So rotten!

Last weekend we celebrated at my mom's. She loved the baby bottles that Grandma got for her but it took her a little while to realize that they didn't really have milk in them. Now she knows to give it to her baby that was also a gift from her Grandma.

Another of her favorites was her Dirt Devil vaccuum from her Aunt Kim! She absolutely loves to clean up with me! She's enjoyed this gift everyday since we've been home!

And after a long day of eating, visiting, and opening gifts, Emma's pooped! She's past ready for a good night's sleep! Thanks everyone for such wonderful gifts! We truly enjoyed the time spent with our family and friends!
Love the slouched down picture--too cute! Griffin has a Dirt Devil handheld vacuum and LOVES it.
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