Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Playdate with Santa

All of the Mommies and kids got together at Ashley's house for a playdate that included a very special visit from Santa! Everyone had a ball! It was such a great way to kick off the week of Christmas!

Santa read a book to the kids first and they were all very intrigued by him! Then they took turns sitting on Santa's lap, telling him what they wanted for Christmas, then Santa gave them each a gift. Unfortunately Emma didn't want to sit with Santa, but she did tell him "hey" and she told him her name!
**Soon I will have the picture of Emma with Santa in VA Beach. You will then see why I did not push the "sitting in Santa's lap" subject!**

This is the best I could get with the whole crew together. This was the end of the playdate. They all did extremely well considering they were exhausted!

Emma with Ava and Bryce. She loves playing with the girls although I believe she thinks they are one person. They are both "Bice" to her!

Let's not forget the precious craft that Deanna was so brave to attempt with them! It turned out to be a fantastic idea and I loved it so much that we had to bring it home for Daddy to see! This is Our Emma's first little craft! Thanks Deanna!